Monday, May 23, 2011

The Bus!

I took the bus today! I feel kinda good.Not as scary as I thought.
My first stop was the rail line and that went as planned. I got on and arrived at my next stop, what I wasn’t expecting was for the railway to end underground. Although when I got off the train and walked above ground I saw that I was in bustling downtown. Tall skyscrapers, people in business suits, and the worker person. I was surprised that the metro end under a bank. I should have taken a picture…the building it was under is trimmed in gold! Or cement spray paint gold, heh heh. Then I had to walk to my second stop with takes me to a local bus, it came right on time. When I got on the bus it drove through downtown and I was keeping my eyes alert for the next stop, thinking that it was a few streets down, but the bus turned onto the freeway.  That’s when I mentally panicked, I didn’t cry or go into a nervous fit, I was stupidly unaware that the bus took the freeway to my third stop. So, I started to fret that I was on the wrong bus headed in the wrong direction ON the FREEWAY and wouldn’t know how to get back. But then the bus exited on the street that was my 3rd stop and I relaxed. I felt silly, but happy, that I didn’t cause a scene on the bus ( like falling out and crying because I thought I was going the wrong way.)
I hopped off that bus and caught the next bus that took me to my final stop, the studio where I’m going to intern. When I arrived I did a little excited jump. I felt so accomplished. I TOOK THE BUS! TO DOWNTOWN OF ALL PLACES!! WTH!? I DID IT! TIMID, LITTLE ME, DID IT! YYYYAAAAAYYY! To someone that frequents the bus and metro that’s no big deal, but to timid, slightly-afraid-of-the-world me, it matters GREATLY.
So I texted my friend, that also interns there, I made it safely to the studio.  I go to meet her outside and she’s excited that I came. She urges me to go in and wants to introduce me to some of her co-workers, but I was nervous to do that, because, I felt it would be awkward, being a ‘noob’ , to walk in and casually sit with a friend, when I’m suppose to official start on Tuesday. She reassured me that the management is very chill at this studio. If fact other people have brought in their friends as well, but just for a short time. I agreed to go in and she introduced me to many people, she showed me the beginnings of the program I’ll be using during the internship, and we had lunch, after a small catch-up conversation, I set out on my way home.
The first bus came quickly and I arrived at my 1st stop in 20 minutes. But I ran into a delay…see, the website I used to plan the trip gave me instructions as if I were leaving around 4pm, when I really left around 2pm and arrived at that bus stop around 2:50ish, 3ish…then next bus didn’t come until 4pm. So I was stuck there waiting for an hour or so waiting for this bus to arrive, luckily I had a book to read J. Four pm rolls around then I’m off back to the metro and back home!
You know, people on the metro just want to be left alone. There are a variety of people on the bus as well, people in suits, common dress, and the shaggily dressed. People reading books, listening to IPods or whatever…no crazy people this time. This is an affordable, doable way to commute; one of the things that would prevent me from continuing to go is the STENCH. Ugh, the car/smog smell, cigarette stink, unwashed human stink, PISS stink, UGH, should travel with noise plugs, but it’s not overpowering. It’s just there…anyways. I made it safely home and I could see my self commuting this way for the summer, especially to campus and back.

This might be an interestingly fun summer…

1 comment:

  1. Cool blog! :D

    I would suggest getting a pepper spray, just in case you are out super late or like that internal feeling of protection.

    Bus people smell, but what can you do? :) (I can't say I always smell like flowers when I get off of work. :p )

    I am glad you got to your destination safely! Public transportation rocks and soon enough, there will be more of these rails you can take.

